Knowledge Base: How to register your product

The step-by-step process on how to perform the registration process for our Knowledge Base, in order to get access to the full content.

Knowledge Base is our article database that we created so the user can have all the information he needs about our manufactured products, but also general information about the dtg technology, plus tips that will help him achieve a successful career in dtg printing.

Knowledge Base consists of six main categories namely: Getting Started, TexJet DTG printers, PreTreater Pro, RIP Software, Textile Applications and Troubleshooting. Each of the categories has subcategories that help the user navigate depending on his printer model, desired application etc.

While there is general knowledge content that is open-access, the articles with in depth information about our technology are Polyprint customers oriented and thus, require a product registration. By registering your product, either it’s a TexJet printer (all models) or our pretreatment machine PreTreater Pro, you can have access to additional articles that before were not visible.

So, in order to have full access, you have to perform the Product Registration process, as described below:


Fill the Product Registration form. After you submit it, an email will be sent automatically to your email address.


Check your inbox for the email.

Note: Check your spam folder, in case the email was archived there. If you haven’t received the email please contact our support team at:


Click on the Register to view content hyperlink and create your password.


Open the Knowledge Base page and click on Sign In at the top right corner.

Note: You can access the Knowledge Base also from our website, by clicking on the menu button (top right corner) and by navigating on the drop down menu.


Enter your credentials and enjoy the whole and constantly growing Knowledge Base content!